Why the correct site structure will save you on site optimization?

Creating a website involves several steps, including planning, designing, coding, and hosting. Here's a basic overview of the process:

  1. Planning:
    • Define Your Purpose: Determine the purpose and goals of your website. Is it a blog, an e-commerce site, a portfolio, or something else?
    • Target Audience: Identify your target audience and their needs.
    • Content Strategy: Plan what content you'll include on your site, such as text, images, videos, and more.
    • Domain Name: Choose and register a domain name that reflects your site's purpose.
  2. Site Structure:
    • Why Is Site Structure Important?:
      • It helps with usability, making it easy for users to navigate your site.
      • It aids SEO, as search engines can better understand your content's hierarchy.
      • It enhances content organization, making it easier for you to manage and expand your site.
  3. Design:
    • Templates: Decide if you want to use a pre-made template or design a custom website. Templates can save time and effort.
  4. Development:
    • HTML/CSS: Create the site's layout and style using HTML (structure) and CSS (style).
    • Responsive Design: Ensure your site works well on various devices and screen sizes.
  5. Content Creation:
    • Add the content you planned earlier, ensuring it aligns with your site structure.
  6. Functionality:
    • If needed, add interactive features like forms, e-commerce functionality, or a content management system (CMS).
  7. Testing:
    • Test your website in different browsers and devices to ensure compatibility.
    • Check for broken links, load speed, and other issues.
  8. SEO:
    • Optimize your site for search engines by using proper meta tags, keywords, and other SEO techniques.
  9. Launch:
    • Choose a web hosting provider and upload your site files.
    • Make your site live by pointing your domain name to your hosting server.
  10. Maintenance:
    • Regularly update your content, fix issues, and keep your website secure.

Now, about using a template to build a silo website structure:

What is a Silo Website Structure? A silo structure is an SEO strategy that organizes your website's content into a hierarchical structure. It groups related content together and creates a clear pathway for both users and search engines to navigate your site.

Using a Template for Silo Structure:

  1. Choose the Right Template: Look for website templates that support a hierarchical structure. Many content management systems (CMS) like WordPress offer themes that are designed for this purpose.
  2. Create Categories: In your chosen template, you'll typically use categories to organize your content. Each category represents a silo or a main topic.
  3. Subcategories and Content: Under each category, create subcategories and add content related to those subcategories. For instance, if you have a gardening website, your categories might be "Vegetable Gardening" and "Flower Gardening," with subcategories like "Tomatoes" and "Roses."
  4. Internal Linking: Within each piece of content, link to other related content within the same silo. This strengthens the silo structure and helps both users and search engines navigate through related content.
  5. Use SEO Best Practices: Optimize your content within each silo for relevant keywords and follow SEO best practices to improve search engine visibility.
  6. Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review your silo structure and make adjustments as your site grows and evolves.

Using a template designed for this purpose can save you a lot of time and effort, as it often includes features and layouts that make implementing a silo structure easier. However, be sure to choose a template that aligns with your website's goals and offers the flexibility you need to customize it to your liking.


Sofiia Dolia

Content Marketer at Seoplay